日本のことばと文化 初級1 A2 MARUGOTO Plus

How to add readings to the kanji

POST! -MY CASE- Lab Ver.

Theme: Please listen my stories about waiting for friends…

Wait? Don't wait? Make someone wait?
Don't make someone wait?


From long ago, I often wait for my friends. It's a lot more easy for me to wait than it is to make people wait, but I don't like to wait that much either. Now that I have a cell phone, I don't waste time as much while waiting.

Meeting up
Meeting up "On Location"

Since it became the smartphone age, we can look at a map and search how to get to where we are going at anytime. We can also search the train times. If we are going to be late, we can call or send a message.

Because of that, recently, I've been meeting people up at a cafe often. Even if someone is late, it's a cafe, so I can drink some tea while I wait. I know that person is coming, so I feel at ease.

Also, I don't like to keep people waiting. This is because to be on time, I have to finish doing many things. Time is money after all... the person I'm meeting's time is important and my time is important too.


If you meet a café, you may think it's ok to make someone late and become late yourself. Reflecting.iine_small_iconImootochan


I don't have a cell phone!!

Waiting on the school route
Waiting on the school route

From elementary school until high school, I walked to school together with my friends. There was a few as 3 or as many as 5 of us. I lived the furthest away from school, so I had to leave home the earliest. If I was late, everyone would be late for school. So, every morning, in order to not be late, I would leave the house early.

On the way to school, I met up with my friends in three places. The person who we met last was sometimes late. After this experience, I became very strict with meeting up.


When waiting, the friends from far are usually on time, while the ones close by are usually late.


Yes yes, I often had to wait.

Even so, I waited 6 hours
Even so, I waited 6 hours

Waiting, making someone wait, I don't do well with either. But, recently, I waited for six hours.

To meet a friend, I took the night bus from Osaka to Tokyo. The bus arrived at 6 in the morning. Our meeting time was 9 am. I had three hours, so I could have breakfast and relax from the trip, so it wasn't a problem. But, my friend didn't come until 12! They said that they couldn't wake up.

The most troublesome thing was that the friend didn't have a phone! The reason I waited was because I was in Tokyo and I couldn't go back to my house!


6 hours?!? I can't wait that long… Did you wait in the same place the whole time??


I waited… My return ticket was for the next day and I couldn't change it, and early in the morning, stores are still closed…


Even so, you still met, so that's good!

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