日本のことばと文化 初級1 A2 MARUGOTO Plus

How to add readings to the kanji

Japanese Culture

TRY! Japanese Summers -Wind Chimes-


In a hot summer, there are many people in Japan that feel cooler when they hear the sound of wind chimes. I am one of them too. Everyone, why don't you try to forget the heat by hearing the sound of the wind chimes?

First, please relax. Now imagine yourself in a hooooot summer, with the air conditioner off and the window open, with a cool breeze coming in feeling really good…

Once you have the image of feeling a cool breeze in your head,
click the video and listen to the sounds of the wind chime…

Glass Wind Chime
00:00 / 00:00
Metal Wind Chime
00:00 / 00:00
