日本のことばと文化 初級1 A2 MARUGOTO Plus

How to add readings to the kanji

POST! -MY CASE- Lab Ver.

Theme: My hometown is a great place

Landscape of the changing old capital of Kyoto


"Gionshooja no kane no koe shogyoomujoo no hibiki ari" (The sound of the bell of Gion-shoja, rings with the transience of all things)

These are the famous opening lines of the 12th century Kyoto story "Heike Monogatari". It means "All things will change". Kyoto is an old capital. People from all over the world come to visit Kyoto. Kyoto has a comparatively large amount of many old buildings and old scenery remaining. Even so, Kyoto has changed a lot since I was a child. I'll explain a little.

Reborn "Machiya"

Recently, traditional "Machiya" houses have become popular. Many old "Machiya" houses have become restaurants and other kinds of store and are being used again. I think it's better that even if traditional houses get used in a different way, keeping the atmosphere of an old Kyoto town than disappearing.

I know that we need to think about the balance of the safety features during an earthquake or fire and the scenery, but, when I see an old building, I feel calm.


I went to a restaurant in a restored machiya recently! It was very relaxed and fashionable, so it was a nice atmosphere!


It would be great if the machiya of Kyoto stay around for a long time…

No Tall Buildings
No Tall Buildings

In Kyoto City, buildings taller than 60 meters cannot be built. This is a rule. It's to protect the traditional landscape, but, on the other hand, some people think that in order to stimulate the economy, tall buildings should be allowed. But, if it's under 60 meters, there are areas with new buildings and old ones standing together.

In order to fit in with the old town Kyoto, even famous stores cannot use flashy colors on their signs.

In the Downtown, disappearing "Kyoto Color"
1In the Downtown, disappearing

This is Kyoto's most lively street. Chain stores that can be found all over Japan, like in Tokyo, have increased, but stores that have been around from long ago or that we can only find in Kyoto have decreased. The personality of Kyoto looks like it will disappear. It's a little sad…


It's sad that the same thing is happening to towns all over Japan. It feels like we'll lose something in the pursuit for convenient, cheap, and efficient…

Old but New Shopping Arcade
2Old but New Shopping Arcade

Kyoto's towns have a lot of shopping arcades. There are some that have lost their energy, but here, there are old stores and new stores that attract young people working well together. Kyoto also is a town of students. It's a town that matches the young people's culture.

Visitors are Increasing
3Visitors are Increasing

Here is a famous tourist spot, "Arashiyama". When I compare it to when I was a child, now the number of young visitors has increased, many stores have opened, and areas like around the station have become very lively. Am I the only person who thinks about the quiet atmosphere from the past with nostalgia? Or, this thinking is because I'm getting older.

Sakura and a Waterway, a Walking Route
Sakura and a Waterway, a Walking Route

When I can feel nature even in the town, I can calm down. Why is that?

For example, this place is called the "Philosopher's Walk". One side is a waterway and the other side is houses. There are many temples nearby. The name comes from a philosopher who walked along this route often in the past. In spring, sakura, in June, fireflies, and in fall, the autumn colors. The snow in winter is also a nice atmosphere.

For the first time in a long time, I now want to take a walk and think about the future of the changing Kyoto.


I feel like it's important to keep the atmosphere from long ago, but it's difficult to keep it up. Sometimes, things must be changed in order to survive… So difficult…iine_small_iconGucchan


The Kyoto I love from when I was a university student. It would be great if the atmosphere from long ago would continue…iine_small_iconGomachan


I don't really know the older Kyoto, but the current Kyoto is quite relaxed, I feel.

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