日本のことばと文化 初級1 A2 MARUGOTO Plus

How to add readings to the kanji

POST! -MY CASE- Lab Ver.

Theme: Introducing how we, husband and wife, split the chores!

The house chores are the wife, my, role.
But, since our grandson was born, my husband has changed…

My relative, Kyoko-san. She watches over her grandchildren and takes care of her father. She will introduce how the roles are divided with her husband.


Now, there are 4 people living in my house, my husband, my son, and my father and me. My husband uses one room of the house to make an office and works from there. My son works outside. I used to work, but now, I only work a few times a year, when I am asked to. My father is 94 years old. These past few years, his body has become weak, so time spent at home has increased. My father's care is my responsibility, but when I leave the house, my husband does the preparation for cooking and taking care.

My oldest daughter and my second daughter live close by, and we have 4 grandchildren. My oldest daughter works, so I often watch my grandchildren. My husband goes to my oldest daughter's house to pick up my grandchildren or take them back. Also, he often goes with my grandson, who will soon be an elementary school student, to watch movies and climb mountains.

When we were raising our own children, my husband didn't go out of his way to play with them. Since our grandchildren were born, my husband has changed. He said "Even if I am busy, I feel like I have to make time and play with my grandchildren. Since I've gotten older, there's more room in my heart now I think."

In my generation, it is normal for the wife to do the housework and watch the children. So, I have never been disappointed with my husband's role. But, since our grandchildren were born, I was happily surprised when my husband became a grandfather who raises kids or "ikujii".


That’s the first time I've heard the word"Ikujii"! Not only young men, but also older men are starting to change, eh!iine_small_iconNoerin


My father also helps raise the kids. He's an "ikujii" too! Haha.iine_small_iconGomachan


My goal is also to become a cute "ikujii"!.

While watching the grandchildren, I often do my hobby, knitting. I make hats and bags for my grandchildren.


You can make a bag from knitting too! That's nice!


Time for yourself is also important.

My husband watches movies and goes mountain climbing with the grandchildren. Recently, they went to Mt. Fuji together! When he saw how his grandsons did their best, at the top of the mountain, he didn't even think and started crying.

Three year old grandson and my 94 year old father. Playing with his great-grandsons has given my father a reason for living.


Wow! Four generations! This is also a secret to a long life!iine_small_iconGomachan


This is only in my experience, but very old people and small children really get along well.

We spent August 22nd, 2013 like this!

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Mother, thank you for your hard work always.iine_small_iconImootochan


Your husband also makes time to see the kids with his work, so I can feel the love he has for his grandchildren.

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