日本のことばと文化 初級1 A2 MARUGOTO Plus

How to add readings to the kanji

POST! -MY CASE- Lab Ver.

Theme: I, too, am enjoying foreign culture in Japan♪

Meeting Foreign Culture in my life


I came across foreign countries and culture when I was very small. I didn't have any deep ties to a foreign country and I grew up in a normal Japanese town. So when did it start? I became interested in the cultures of various countries.

Now, my job involves foreigners and foreign culture. From what I've experienced in different situations from when I was small until now, I have interacted with many foreigners and foreign culture. I felt these things as I drew.

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Foreign movies and foreign art has had a very big impact on my life. How about all of you?


Interacting with foreign culture is actually something that happens a lot, eh?


I experience life in a foreign culture every day! lol


It seems fun to review your life as a certain theme in this way! Maybe I should try it?iine_small_iconMadeleine


Do it, do it!


I see! The multi-talented Goma-chan has lived her life in this way!


I love the movie "Shawshank Redemption!"


It's really great to know people around the world, right?iine_small_iconGomachan

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